Six reasons to join Intigriti’s product team 

By Anna Hammond

September 27, 2022

Six reasons to join Intigriti’s product team 

Working in Intigriti’s product team means playing a defining role in the global uptake of crowdsourced security. Since 2016, we’ve enabled hackers to use their skills for good and provide essential continuous testing for businesses. You’ll gain first-hand experience of a scaling company within a flexible working environment.  

Join us on our mission to turn hackers into heroes and shape your career along the way. Curious to hear more about why you should plan your future with us? Here are six reasons why you should join Intigriti’s product team. 

1. Build a safer global future and empower hackers everywhere    

Our overall company mission guides each of us in Intigriti’s product team, which we see as two-pronged. The first is to lead the way in providing crowdsourced security to this new era of web and digitalization.   

Currently, software updates are constantly being developed and submitted, particularly within industries that require staying ahead of the current trends. With such frequent changes, companies can more easily open themselves to cyberattacks.   

Crowdsourced security has demonstrated that it provides a distinctly continuous insight into the vulnerabilities across our platforms. Its sharp uptake has shown the need to make it an intrinsic part of security infrastructure to deliver greater safety for businesses and consumers.   

For the second part of our mission, we want to achieve equal development opportunities by enabling hackers everywhere to gain value for their currently untapped skills. Working with ethical hacking communities has shown us the prevalence of people from a variety of backgrounds around the globe who possess incredibly valuable knowledge around penetrating security systems. Bug bounty platforms reward them for their knowledge with the potential to even provide a living.   

2. Accelerate your own education  

We provide an education budget to further enhance learning potential. How this is spent is up to individuals, giving them freedom in which direction they go. In an environment where you can have such a big impact, the expertise you wish to develop can then be utilized directly.   

Hannah Tack of Intigriti’s product team

“I made the shift from a designer in a marketing team to a designer in a Product & Engineering team 6 months ago without any former experience in this role. The team has the perfect mindset for this, as everyone is super helpful, and you get a lot of feedback from your peers.”   

Hannah Tack, UX/UI Designer   

3. Join an open and dynamic team   

While Intigriti is in its scaling phase, people joining will still benefit from being part of an intimate department where everyone’s voice can be heard. If you’ve found that working in large teams has tended to inhibit your ability to contribute ideas, working with us may be a refreshing change where you can more easily communicate your thoughts.    

Across all departments, we’re also passionate about maintaining a flat management structure. We firmly believe everyone in our team has something to offer, and ultimately the best solutions can be found by maximizing our potential. Making certain that every person feels equally valued is key to creating this open environment.   

Jaco Slabbert, Intigriti’s Full Stack Engineer

“With almost ten years in the industry (and three months at Intigriti), I have never seen a product nor team dynamic as stable, open, and fun as what we have here. The tech stack is any developer’s dream – clean, concise, and once the patterns are understood, the entire architecture flows better than a great surfing session.”    

Jaco Slabbert, Full Stack Engineer     

4. Gain the benefits of working in a scaling business   

Intigriti is well and truly in a scaling phase, marked by us recently completing a €21M Series B funding round. Joining a scale up has various advantages when it comes to developing your knowledge and career.   

As the company grows, so do you. Defining the areas of work where you want to develop is a privilege often unavailable at bigger companies. On top of that, there’s a much greater variety of roles through which you could develop. Your success in the role is much more meaningfully connected to the success of the company, providing a greater source of motivation and gratification.   

Scaling is arguably the most critical part of a company’s lifecycle. By joining us at this part of the journey, you’ll get first-hand experience of the various challenges and the systems that go into enabling it.    

Brecht Carlier, one of Intigriti’s first hires!

“99% of my knowledge I have gathered from building Intigriti. You have a lot of freedom to work with the latest technologies. The young team we have has a ‘fix-it’ mentality, which makes for a highly productive working environment. I have grown in the six years at Intigriti from junior developer to software architect.”   

Brecht Carlier, Software Architect   

5. Enjoy a flexible working environment   

We understand that when it comes to work, we’re all a little different. What makes one person more productive may not be the same for another. Similarly, we all have different things we must manage in our lives. Nurturing these different approaches and making room for the different challenges is a core part of our culture, and for this reason we offer a high degree of flexibility.    

Koen Heyns, Intigriti’s Head of Product

“I think our hybrid working structure represents the future of work, where people can choose an environment that suits them best. Likewise, we promote flexibility within our working hours. If you prefer starting a little earlier, your finishing time can adjust accordingly. Perhaps you sometimes need to run an errand or take a break to get rid of brain fog, then you are free to move your schedule around to enable this.”   

Koen Heyns, Head of Product  

6. Work with the latest technology stack   

In cybersecurity, it’s imperative to be aware of the most recent methods and trends used in cyberattacks to stay ahead. We like to extend this philosophy to our product development team, who are equipped with the most up-to-date libraries, tools and languages. The platform is a collection of micro-services that are run in an Istio service mesh on top of a K8S cluster. The technology is fully event-driven and follows the DDD methodology (Domain Driven Design). We’re proud of our tech stack’s clarity, ensuring our product development process remains smooth.   

Join our team to empower ethical hackers everywhere and make the future safer 

Working in Intigriti’s product team means playing a central role at the forefront of the global crowdsourced security market. Work how you want, with the latest technology, in a place where your voice matters.    

Discover careers at Intigriti by visiting our careers page or following us on LinkedIn. We look forward to your application! 

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