21 things that happened in 2021 at Intigriti: a year of milestones

By Anna Hammond

December 21, 2021

21 things that happened in 2021 at Intigriti: a year of milestones

The following blog shares a compilation of noteworthy events and achievements at Intigriti in 2021. 

Intigriti has grown substantially over the past year, and we’re excited to see how we transform in 2022. But as we prepare to ring in the new year, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the celebrations, milestones, events, and successes that we achieved in 2021 at Intigriti. So, without further ado, here are 21 things that happened at Intigriti in 2021. 

21 things that happened in 2021 at Intigriti 

1. We grew our headcount by 133% 

This time last year, we were a team of 30. As 2021 wraps up, we’re ending with more than 70 talented employees working for Intigriti and a new list of roles to fill. Digital Developer, Melissa Jans, explains why she loves working for Intigriti

“A scale-up is a bit like working on a product or concept you’ve helped to create. It doesn’t matter that you’re not the founder; there’s still a strong sense of purpose. We move a lot of mountains at Intigriti, and I enjoy seeing the effects of my efforts in that.” 

2. We introduced multi-currency support on the platform 

We updated our platform to enable our increasingly global customer portfolio to select their desired bug bounty budget currency. Customers can set their budget currency to USD Dollars, Great British Pounds, Singapore Dollars, and Euros. 

3. Our workforce is now made up of 13 nationalities 

Not only did we grow in headcount, but we also diversified our workforce. As of 2021, our headcount includes ten different ethnicities, we’re active in six international territories, and our team is made up of 13 nationalities.  

4. Intigriti’s platform-wide maximum pay-out increased to $100,000 per vulnerability 

In December 2021, we proudly announced that Intel, the industry ICT leader in the design and manufacturing of semiconductors, selected Intigriti as its bug bounty platform.  

Intel’s program brought Intigriti’s community of researchers’ new opportunities, such as fresh hardware testing territory and an increased earning potential for a single vulnerability report. Intel rewards range from $500 for a low-level vulnerability in software to $100,000 for a critical bug in hardware.  

Bug Bounty Program details of Intel

5. We gained three new partners 

In 2021, Intigriti partnered with three major organizations, including Combient (The Nordics), Atos (France), and 3-Shake (Japan). Talking about their new partnership, Jean-Claude Tapia, Director of Cybersecurity Services at Atos France, said: 

“We are impressed by the excellent feedback from our customers regarding the quality of services and the maturity of the Intigriti platform. By integrating our cybersecurity services to the Intigriti platform, we can offer enterprises the best of ethical hacking, in addition to our existing cybersecurity solutions.” 

Partnership between Intigriti and Atos

6. We had our first in-person all-company meetup 

In October, our employees across the globe got the chance to greet each other face-to-face for the first time. Meeting at our HQ in Belgium, it was the perfect opportunity for our colleagues to have some face-to-face meetings, hang out as a team, and have fun! Seeing how much our team has grown, especially over the past year, was an extraordinary moment. 

Intigriti employees

7. Our team grew 496 trees

During the lockdown in March 2021, Intigriti challenged employees to get moving! For every proven workout, we donated a euro to a tree-planting campaign called “Forest for Everyone”.  

Click here to see the Linkedin Post

Between 43 of our sportiest (and most competitive!) employees, we planted 496 trees. As well as getting fitter, the challenge:  

  • Brought us together: Staff members had a new, non-work-related way to stay connected from home. Many of us followed each other on Strava and Slack to track and cheer each other on. 

  • Helped integrate new employees: We wanted new hires to get a feel for our culture despite joining remotely. The challenge meant employees could interact and get to know members of staff they wouldn’t typically work with.  

  • Increased employee wellbeing: A healthy employee is a happy employee! Staff felt encouraged to prioritize their physical and mental wellbeing.  

  • Made an impact: Intigriti values sustainability, and the challenge enabled us to contribute towards building a better future. 

8. We ran 4,128 km between us 

After getting a taste for the outdoors, many of Intigriti’s employees made running a continuous hobby. As a result, we ran 4,128 km (and counting!) over the year between us. 

9. We launched our Fastlane program 

2021 was when Intigriti became the first bounty platform to connect cybersecurity researchers working on novel techniques with affected companies before public disclosure. Fastlane helps support and sustain research and development of the cybersecurity industry and allows Intigriti customers to de-risk breaking disclosures that affect their assets. 

This step was significant for Intigriti and an important milestone for the wider bug bounty industry. Intigriti security researcher Alex Birsan, who shook the cybersecurity industry earlier this year with his newly found “dependency confusion” supply chain hacking technique, agrees:   

“Before publishing my blog post about dependency confusion, I tried to make sure that as many affected companies as possible were aware of the issue and had a chance to fix it. One of the main obstacles I encountered was that I could not report it to some affected vendors because they ran private vulnerability disclosure programs that I did not have access to. If you find a novel and widespread security issue, you should always get a chance to let everyone know about it and collect your rightful rewards, regardless of your status in the bug bounty world or other factors. This initiative by intigriti is a significant step in the right direction.” 

10. We shipped 2,382 items from our swag store  

This year saw some emerging talent take the fashion world by storm – from Maise Schloss, former womenswear designer for Kanye West, to Chopova Lowena, a London-based duo with a strong focus on sustainably sourced fabrics. But a new talent entered the scene that fashionistas fell crazy for: The Intigriti swag store.  

From bounty baby bodysuits to embroidered hackpacks, Intigriti’s swag store has something for everyone.  

Please note; the cute baby is not included with the product. 

11. 17,343 vulnerabilities submitted 

In terms of vulnerability submissions, 2021 was our busiest year yet. In total, 17,343 vulnerabilities were submitted via the platform, including 838 critical vulnerabilities and 2,961 high to exceptional. 

12. We grew our hacker community to over 40,000+ 

Intigriti’s community is one of the fastest growing in the bug bounty industry. We are extremely proud of the strong bond we have with our community. To educate and help them, we put significant effort into sharing new techniques, creating challenges, and providing free and accessible training opportunities whenever possible. 

13. Our client base rose by more than 100% 

Of course, to grow our community, we need the bug bounty programs on the platform. And this year, more companies than ever before invested in a bug bounty program on Intigriti. As a result, we increased our customer portfolio by more than 100%, expanding into new territories such as Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 

14. The number of bug bounty programs on Intigriti’s platform increased by 100% 

With new customers comes new bug bounty programs on Intigriti. In 2021, Intigriti experienced a 100% increase in bug bounty programs being launched on the platform.  

15. We upped bounties for Intigriti’s public & private programs 

Did you know that Intigriti runs its own bug bounty programs on the platform too? This year, we decided to make things a little more interesting by increasing the pay-out amount for exceptional vulnerabilities to €13,337. 

16. Twelve new portraits of our hackers were illustrated 

When one of Intigriti’s ethical hackers displays outstanding work or earns a place at the top of our leaderboard, we reward them with an illustrated portrait. Not only digitally, but we send a physical cover in the form of a poster too (so they can proudly show it off!)  

iQimpz’s is a big name within our ethical hacker community. Check out his poster below, illustrated by the wonderfully talented Jeroen Van Zwol

The original tweet can be found here: https://twitter.com/iqimpz 

17. We released the Ethical Hacker Insights Report 2021

Intigriti published its first Ethical Hacker Insights Report in 2021. The report gives readers a true understanding of ethical hacker communities. It also bought to light that 44% of security risks submitted directly to businesses without a disclosure program aren’t heard, and further, 1 in 3 cybersecurity vulnerabilities may never get dealt with.  

The Ethical Hacker Insights Report 2021 helps to demystify the ethical hacker community and reveal the faces of the people making assets better protected for organizations worldwide. 

18. Our product team pushed 141 new features 

Our product team kept busy this year, bringing significant new features and releases to Intigriti customers and researchers. In total, 141 new features were released: including JIRA integration, self-service API integration, currency selection, and channel offerings. 

19. We finished Stage 1 of ISO 27001 certification 

In 2021, Intigriti finished Stage 1 of our ISO 27001 certification. ISO 27001 is a globally recognized specification for an Information Security Management System. Achieving ISO 27001 certification means that we: 

  • Have an ISO 27001 compliant information security management system 

  • Had it certified by an accredited certification body 

  • Will maintain and continually improve it. 

We look forward to completing Stage 2 of the process early in 2022. 

20. We released 65 new videos on Intigriti’s YouTube channel

From hacker challenges, and hacker interviews, to customer success stories, Intigriti’s YouTube channel didn’t disappoint. In total, we published 65 new videos on the channel. If you’re looking to learn how to hack, make sure you check out Intigriti’s hackademy playlist.  

21. We ran a virtual live hacking event with Visma 

Intigriti live hacking events involve bringing together a select team of security researchers for a group bug bounty engagement. The invited researchers participate from across the globe, focusing on a particular target and set of assets. Hackers are chosen to participate in the event based on the skills and creativity they’ve demonstrated on the platform over time. 

In most cases, live hacking events are in-person, but due to the pandemic and social distancing regulations, many companies are choosing to hold events virtually. A recent example of this was Visma’s 1337UP1121 event in November 2021, which was run in partnership with Intigriti. In the two weeks of live hacking, Visma received 363 submissions, and 251 were considered valid (including duplicates). The vulnerabilities reported included two exceptional, two critical, and two 0-days. 

Looking ahead to 2022 

For Intigriti, 2022 consists of continuous growth as well as further establishing and refining our business model in the global market. Does the idea of being a part of this journey inspire you? 

Discover careers at Intigriti by visiting our careers page or following us on LinkedIn. Alternatively, if you’re interested in launching a bug bounty program for your organization speak to a member of our team today for an Intigriti demo.  

21 things that happened in 2021 at Intigriti

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