Bug Bytes #162 – How to read RFCs, Param Miner doc & SSRF with browser exploitation

By Anna Hammond

March 9, 2022

Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.


This issue covers the week from February 28 to March 7.

Intigriti news


🚩 CTF SIGN UP 🚩🗣 Virtual Conference 🗣

The 🟣 1337UP LIVE 🟣 event is nearing! Only 2 more days to go!

On March 11th, we will kick off with the 24-hour long CTF with challenges from web all the way to binary exploitation. Sign up right now at ctf.intigriti.io.

On March 12th, once the CTF ends, we will directly jump into the live bug bounty conference with astonishing talks by amazing speakers. Check out the line-up over here at www.intigriti.com/1337uplive!

We can’t wait to see you there!

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Our favorite 5 hacking items

1. Articles of the week

Reading RFCs for bug bounty hunters
The perils of the “real” client IP

@EdOverflow who knows a thing or two about RFCs (as the author of security.txt), shares some tips on reading RFCs for bug hunters.
This is actually part of a new Q&A blog series. This is a fantastic opportunity to have your bug bounty / security questions answered by a seasoned security researcher.

The second article is about how to retrieve the “real client IP address” from HTTP headers, common misconfigurations and the vulnerabilities they lead to. It is a long but excellent read if you want to explore this area of security.
Another good article on the same blog is about bypassing timing attack mitigations.
As pointed out by @albinowax, when you find a good article, make sure to browse the entire site for other gems.

2. Writeups of the week

Circumventing Browser Security Mechanisms For SSRF
AutoWarp: Critical Cross-Account Vulnerability in Microsoft Azure Automation Service
The Dirty Pipe Vulnerability & PoC

A few months ago, I saw a very intriguing tweet about a bug bounty finding that involved Web and Pwn. @iamnoooob, @rootxharsh and @S1r1u5_ just dropped the writeup, and it is indeed incredible.
The team chained an SSRF with XSS to bypass some limitations, and with a known headless Chrome RCE that didn’t have any public PoC.

Another equally impressive finding is @Yanir_‘s AutoWarp. He found a way to interact with an internal Azure server, which gave them access to authentication tokens of other customers and the ability to take over their accounts.

The third writeup is about a privilege escalation that Max Kellermann discovered in the Linux kernel since version 5.8. It is similar to Dirty Cow but easier to exploit.
If you are interested in this type of bugs, I highly recommend the writeup. It details everything from the indicators of vulnerability, questions the author asked themselves at each step, what worked and what didn’t… just like an investigation.

3. Resource of the week


Param Miner’s Attack Config options are not officially documented. So, to understand what they mean, @_nikitastupin looked at the tool’s source code and compiled their descriptions in a repo.

4. Tool of the week

Padding Oracle Hunter

@spaceraccoonsec‘s colleague released this new tool to detect and exploit padding oracle vulnerabilities. It is a Burp extension that supports the PKCS#7 and PKCS#1 v1.5 padding schemes.
If you’re not sure where to use this tool, here is a tip on identifying potential entry points.

5. Video of the week

Finding 0day in Apache APISIX During CTF (CVE-2022-24112)

@LiveOverflow published a new video walkthrough of a Real World CTF challenge. This one is about a 0-day RCE in the default configuration of Apache APISIX. Discovering it involved code review, reading documentation, spoofing the “real” client IP, and much more. As usual, it is incredibly informative.


Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week






Challenge writeups

Pentest writeups

Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups

Bug bounty writeups

See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.


  • Uncover: Quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet using multiple search engines

  • dontgo403

  • HaxUnit: Python wrapper around Project Discovery tools (combining subdomain enumeration, port scanning and vulnerability discovery tools)

  • Vajra: GUI tool with multiple techniques for attacking and enumerating in the target’s Azure environment

  • sdlookup: IP Lookups for Open Ports and Vulnerabilities from internetdb.shodan.io

Tips & Tweets

Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources



Bug bounty & Pentest news

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