Twitter Recap #1 – Bug Bounty Tips by the Intigriti Community

By Intigriti

February 24, 2020

Key terms in crowdsourced security


Bug Bounty Tips

Over the past years we have shared a lot of  tips to help our readers in one way or another. Thinking outside the box or trying a different approach could be the defining factor in finding that one juicy bug!

We dove deep into our archives and made a list out of all the Bug Bounty tips we posted up untill this point. Here is a summary.



The way you perform your reconnaissance is what differentiates you from other hackers. Here are some tips to step up your recon game!

Copyright Footer

Simple but effective recon tip from @_zulln: Google the © to discover more assets! #BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) March 20, 2019

Company Owned Domains

Start your weekend & your recon with this #BugBountyTip from @hacker_! But remember… always stay in-scope! 😉#HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) April 19, 2019

Company Resources

Doing recon? Don't forget the company resources! Slides, tutorials and other examples often contain a lot of juicy information! 👀Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @Alyssa_Herrera_! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) August 9, 2019


Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @securinti! #HackWithIntigriti
(P.S.: You are now banned from our live webinars) 👀🚫

— Intigriti (@intigriti) August 30, 2019

OpenSSL for Recon

Did you know you can use OpenSSL for recon purposes? 🔒😏
Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @michael1026h1!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) December 9, 2019

Deleted Accounts Recon

Did you know you can sometimes retrieve data from 'deleted' accounts, by signing up with the e-mail that was associated to it? Another good example of why e-mail verification matters. Thanks for the tip, @StijnJans! #HackWithIntigriti #BugBounty #BugBountyTip

— Intigriti (@intigriti) January 3, 2019

Premium Features

Earn a €1000 bounty? Save €100 to purchase premium features in bounty programs. According to @vdeschutter, it often results in more bounties! Now that’s what we call a good investment! 👏🤑 #BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) January 24, 2019

E-mail Template Injection

Have you ever checked the text version of a HTML e-mail for template injection? Always make sure to inspect the original e-mail source for hidden treasures 🕵. Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @honoki! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) March 7, 2019


.@KarimPwnz bug bounty tip for today: RTFM! 🤓📖#BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) April 18, 2019

Rails Application Testing

Testing a Ruby on Rails app? Add .json to the URL and see what happens! 😏
Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @yaworsk! 🙌

— Intigriti (@intigriti) September 26, 2019

API Endpoints Recon

Looking for API endpoints? OPTIONS to the rescue! Thanks for the tip, @dewolfrobin! #BugBounty #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) December 6, 2018


There are lots and lots of security tools out there, these are the ones we tried throughout the years. The might me worth your time looking into!


Mobile hackers, check out this awesome tool recommended by @skeltavik! #BugBounty #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) December 20, 2018


Instead of looking through 100's of screenshots, sort them by file size to get to the juicy stuff right away. Thanks for the tip, @stokfredrik! #BugBountyTip #HackwithIntigriti #bugbounty

— Intigriti (@intigriti) March 28, 2019


This is @lucio_89. Lucio scores a lot of bounties just by looking inside APK's and extracting secrets with apktool. Be like Lucio, and #HackWithIntigriti.

— Intigriti (@intigriti) February 14, 2019


Did you know you can use FileChangeMonitor by @jackhcable to monitor JavaScript files and discover endpoints when they're added? 🤯Check out #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) May 1, 2019


A PDF file can tell more than you think! Great advice from @QuintenBombeke! #BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti #BugBounty

— Intigriti (@intigriti) May 9, 2019


Open your eyes and see: there is more than S3! 👀@hussein98d recommends cloud_enum to find unprotected Google Cloud buckets and Microsoft Azure storage accounts! 📦🔓#BugBountyTip

— Intigriti (@intigriti) September 23, 2019


One bug does not mean one bounty! Maximise your 💰 using, thanks to this excellent tip from @emgeekboy! 🇮🇳 #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) October 19, 2019


Sometimes you feel like you are close to finding something but you are not quite there yet. It could be a matter of executing the right payload in the right place. The next example might help you in the right direction.

XSS in Parameter Names

🔍 Looking for XSS? Don't forget the parameter names! 💡Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @p4fg! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) September 20, 2019

Youtube XSS

This also works for other embedded services (vimeo, dailymotion, twitter, facebook…)! Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @̶L̶i̶v̶e̶O̶v̶e̶r̶f̶l̶o̶w̶ @EdOverflow!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) January 9, 2020

XSS with htmlentities()

So you thought htmlentities() always protects against XSS? x54x68x69x6ex6bx20x61x67x61x69x6ex21! Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @karel_origin! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) May 19, 2019

Hidden GET and POST Parameters

Bug bounty tip: Always be on the lookout for hidden GET and POST parameters, especially on pages with HTML forms. 👀
Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @Kuromatae666! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) June 3, 2019

Payloads in E-mail Address

Did you know you can smuggle payloads in a valid e-mail address using round brackets? Thanks for the tip, @securinti! #BugBounty #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) December 27, 2018

X-Forwarded-For Headers

The X-Forwarded-For header turns out to be a perfect place to hide your blind XSS or SQL injection payloads, according to @_zulln. Thanks for the tip, Linus! #BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) February 7, 2019

Long String Parameters

The best way to cause errors exposing sensitive information?
➡️Long strings in POST parameters (50.000+ characters)
➡️Using the 'Euler number' (e) in numbers to gain exponentially large values
Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @pxmme1337!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) October 24, 2019

Hidden Wildcarts

Sometimes, one character is all you need! Use % as a wildcard for codes, booking references or even SSN's! 🃏
Awesome #BugBountyTip, @itscachemoney! 👏

— Intigriti (@intigriti) October 25, 2019

Fuzz Non-Printable Characters

Want to find 'cosmic brain' bugs, just like @0xACB and @samwcyo? 🤯
Use the following 'invisible' ranges in your payloads 👇#BugBountyTip
💥0x00 ➡️0x2F
💥0x3A ➡️0x40
💥0x5B ➡️0x60
💥0x7B ➡️0xFF

— Intigriti (@intigriti) October 18, 2019

JSONp Callback

When adding one parameter to an endpoint can earn you thousands of 💰. Thanks for the tip, @inhibitor181! #HackWithIntigriti #BugBountyTip

— Intigriti (@intigriti) January 10, 2019


Bug bounty tip: if none of your XSS payloads are firing – try to insert them through the API! 😈#BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) April 4, 2019

XSS in MathJax or KaTeX

Just testing if Twitter is vulnerable: url{javascript:alert(1)}. Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @EdOverflow 🐸! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) March 1, 2019

Authentication & Authorization

Many problems reside in the authentication and authorization process.  These vulnerabilities cause huge security risks for company’s so your reports wil gladly be received. With these tips you will be sure to find more of them.


So you believe UUID's are a sufficient protection against IDOR's?
Think again! 🤦 Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @securinti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) January 16, 2020

Username Takeover

Time for a fresh #BugBountyTip from @EdOverflow: change your username to cause namespace collisions and see what happens! Read more: #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) May 16, 2019

Swapping Tokens

Excellent #BugBountyTip from XSS wizard @filedescriptor: got XSS without access to the cookies or CSRF tokens? Try swapping the victim's CSRF token with yours – it often works and results in a higher impact and bounty! 🤓💰#HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) June 12, 2019

Leaked Slack Tokens

Tip of the day: check for exposed Slack tokens using @streaak's #BugBountyTip and find out if hackers could have been snooping on your Slack conversations. 👀

— Intigriti (@intigriti) July 31, 2019

Facebook Account Takeover Vulnerabilities

According to @itscachemoney, this sometimes leads to account takeover vulnerabilities. 🤯#BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) August 5, 2019

Hidden OAuth Providers

This actually worked on the first site we tested! 🤯
P.S.: Legacy or unimplemented OAuth flows often contain vulnerabilities that can lead to account takeover. 😈 Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @ngalongc!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) September 16, 2019

Change Request Method

Can't get CSRF with POST? Then GET it!
Use 'change request method' in Burp Suite to check if the server also accepts GET requests. Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @spaceraccoonsec! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) October 3, 2019

JWT Account Takeover

⚠️Open staging environments can lead to production account takeover
✔️If they use a separate DB, but same JWT secret
✔️If the username or e-mail address is used as identifier
This is an excellent #BugBountyTip, thanks @kapytein!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) December 4, 2019

Extract AWS S3 Bucket Name

Did you know you can extract the AWS S3 bucket name from an object URL by appending these parameters? 🕵️Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @neeraj_sonaniya! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) September 4, 2019

Support Subdomain Takeover

Cool support desk subdomain takeover trick by @rootxharsh 🇮🇳, always check the MX records! #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) November 1, 2019


You find yourself getting stuck against some type of wall while hunting? No worries! The next tips might help you get past them.

Bypass JWT Signature

⚠️ Are you signing your JWT tokens? Good…unless hackers can change the signing algorithm to 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦. Make sure to check this, or @yassineaboukir will do it for you and claim yet another #BugBounty! 😂 #BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) February 13, 2020

403 Forbidden Bypass

Some #bugbounty hunters made over €50.000 in bug bounties with this simple trick. 🤑 Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @rez0__!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) January 30, 2020

Bypass Paywalls

Testing a service with a paywall? Try bypassing it by including "Googlebot" in your user agent. Excellent #BugBountyTip by @intidc! #HackWithIntigiti #BugBounty

— Intigriti (@intigriti) November 29, 2018

Bypass Firewalls

Want to bypass an annoying firewall? @vincentcox_be is here to help! Use #HackWithIntigriti #BugBounty

— Intigriti (@intigriti) December 13, 2018

Send Back Responses

.@YassineAboukir's #BugBountyTip:
Check JSON responses for additional properties, and send them back! 👀#HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) November 11, 2019

From False to True

Sometimes, TRUE is all you need ✅. Use @Burp_Suite's match and replace to enable new functionalities in the UI and expand your attack surface! Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @anshuman_bh!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) November 6, 2019

Business Logic

Tired of getting only low or medium bounties? Then you need to hit where it really hurts. Try thinking in the company’s perspective and what is important for them. You will get more money for your work!

Focus on Impact

Context is key. Find out what your target cares about to score higher bounties. Great advice from @jackds1986! #BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) April 25, 2019

The Birthday Trick

BOUNTY TIP: Get yourself a nice bounty present by buying giftcards with birthday discounts 🎁! Repeat & recycle your gift cards to generate infinite money. 💰🤑Thanks, and happy (real) birthday, @securinti! 👑🎂#BugBountyTip #HackWithIntigriti

— Intigriti (@intigriti) May 14, 2019

Skipping Steps

Looking for business logic flaws 👀? Flows with multiple steps are a good place to start. Try to skip steps or execute them in a wrong order and see what happens 😈
Thanks for the #BugBountyTip, @InsiderPhD!

— Intigriti (@intigriti) November 7, 2019

The Coupon Trick

🛍️It's also #BlackFriday in #BugBounty land 🛒! Harvest all the coupon codes, try this #BugBountyTip by @quintenvi and score some bounties! 💰

— Intigriti (@intigriti) November 29, 2019


Asking Questions

Got a question? Follow @codingo_'s advice to get help faster! #BugBountyTip

— Intigriti (@intigriti) August 7, 2019

XSS Passwords

Want to catch someone snooping plaintext passwords? Follow @quintenvi's advice! #HackWithIntigriti #BugBounty

— Intigriti (@intigriti) December 10, 2018

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